Philips Respironics Water Chamber Tank Flip Lid Seal for DreamStation Heated Humidifiers

Sale price$19.00
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This replacement Flip Lid Seal, from Philips Respironics, fits around the tubing outlet found inside the top of all DreamStation CPAP & BiPAP Heated Humidifiers.

The DreamStation Humidifier Lid Seal seals the humidifier water chamber (tank) to the humidifier lid. It must always be in place when your DreamStation Humidifier is in use.

CLEANING & CARE: The DreamStation Flip Lid Seal may be removed and cleaned as necessary when it becomes loose or dirty. For best results, clean by hand with warm water and a mild soap. Once clean the seal should be laid flat to dry completely, out of direct sunlight and/or heat, before reinstallation. Replace the seal as needed whenever it appears damaged or worn. For complete instructions review the documentation that came with your equipment.