Amara View Full Face Silicon Cushion
The main body of the Amara View Under-the-Nose Cushion covers your mouth so you can breathe naturally, as needed, with your mouth open or closed. A small, rectangular hole in the top of the cushion allows you to breath through your nose as well.
SIZING: Three cushion sizes -- Small, Medium, Large -- are available to fit a wide range of faces.
Any cushion size will fit on any Amara View mask frame; so if you find you want to try a different size you can simply purchase a new cushion rather than having to buy a whole new mask.
Cushion size is indicated by a single letter -- S, M or L -- printed on the base of the cushion. Please be sure to select your size when placing an order.
Important - not to be confused with the Philips Amara Mask, which sits up to bridge of nose.
**Philips Respironics Amara View mask is displayed for illustrative purposes only**
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